Saturday, December 7

Business Trip

Business Trip might be something common for some people. BUT of course not me, a merely university student that is struggling to graduate.

However, I might be so lucky to have an internship at the Office of President's Special Envoy on Millennium Development Goals. Three months of my Internship, I got 2 Business Trips to Bunaken Island, Manado - Sulawesi Utara and Bali.

And now in a few days, I will be going to Padang, Sumatera Barat; Surabaya and Batu, Jawa Timur. I am so grateful that I can have these opportunities. 

I rarely had a chance to visit other cities from I was born. But God surely knows. He has another plans. So instead of my family who took me travel around the places, the office gets me the opportunities.

Although the Business Trips are so short , I am thankful that I can discover new places.

will be visiting 3 cities in 4 days only!

will bring this heavy suitcase!

and will be only the two of us!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 5

A sudden notice


Happy Volunteers Day

A letter from the Office of President's Special Envoy to Pencerah Nusantara 

Teman teman Pencerah Nusantara,

Surat ini mungkin sampai di tangan teman teman menjelang sore. Saat penat merapat, kaki keram, lelah melangkah seharian. Hela nafas pun semakin hari semakin panjang dan berat. Selalu ada titik dimana kita bertanya mengapa kita bersama mengambil jalan ini. Hiruk pikuk riuh sambutan di Jakarta selesai sudah. Gaungnya masih diingat tetapi rasanya beberapa mungkin sudah mulai tidak terasa. Pakaian sudah penuh peluh, alas kaki sudah rompal di sana sini. Padahal lintasan lari kita masih sangat panjang.

Sejak awal kita tahu bahwa kerja keras ini adalah kerelaan yang akan dilalui di lintasan yang tidak ramai dilalui orang. Bumi yang kalian jejak saat ini adalah “halaman belakang” Republik ini, sebagian tidak diminati, sebagian jauh masuk ke daerah terpencil dan perbatasan. Kita juga sadar bahwa iuran kita hanyalah kehadiran, tenaga dan keahlian. Tidak cukup banyak untuk melajukan kapal sarat muatan. Kemungkinan besar juga tidak bisa menyelesaikan segala persoalan.

Tetapi tidak kah kalian merasa langkah kita tidak lagi seberat dahulu? Lambat laun barisan kita merapat, tenaga kita menguat. Lebih dari dua ribu orang hari ini mengirim semangat dari seluruh penjuru negeri. Mereka pernah bersama kalian menyatakan ingin hadir, tetapi hanya kalian yang berkesempatan berangkat. Tiga ribu orang memperhatikan cerita kalian lewat linimasa setiap hari, beberapa diantaranya bangga, beberapa lagi bahkan malu karena belum berbuat apa apa untuk bangsa ini selain menuduh dan mengeluh.

Hadirnya kalian di pelosok itu adalah jawaban bahwa bangsa ini masih ada. Kalian membawa titipan rasa cinta dan kepedulian sesama warga negara yang seringkali tertahan di luasnya jarak yang membentang dari ujung ke ujung republik ini.  Walau karir yang kalian tempuh tidaklah normal dan penuh pertanyaan, perjalanan kalian sungguh penting untuk menjaga harapan.

Teman teman, setiap dari kita memiliki sebuah ruang dalam hati. Ruang ini tidak bisa diisi dengan imbalan atau pujian. Ruang ini dalam hati manusia berbeda ukurannya, bisa luas, bisa juga sempit, padahal dari sinilah rasa bahagia kita berasal.

Dan dalam setiap hitungan hari yang kita lalui di daerah penempatan, tanpa sadar ruang ini membesar. Kita tidak lagi memaki ketika listrik tidak tersedia sepanjang waktu, karena ternyata kebahagiaan tidak terletak disitu. Kita tidak lagi mengeluh ketika harus berjalan jauh atau mengarungi laut luas dengan kapal seadanya, karena ternyata ombak dan jalan mendaki itu justru memberi rasa bahagia. Kita bersabar ketika hanya bisa mengobati dengan peralatan seadanya, karena setelah itu ada tatapan mata penuh syukur dari warga yang kita bantu sehatnya. 

Teman teman Pencerah Nusantara,

Tim Pencerah Nusantara di Teuku Umar hendak menjabat tangan teman teman lebih erat sore ini, bukan untuk mengatakan “selamat bertugas, selamat bekerja keras..”, tetapi untuk  melanggengkan persaudaraan kita bersama dengan berucap “Selamat hari relawan sedunia, ayo kita berjuang bersama sama”

Tim Pencerah Nusantara
"Tunjukkan Baktimu, Mulai Aksimu, Jadilah Pencerah Nusantara!"

Kantor Utusan Khusus Presiden Republik Indonesia Untuk MDGs
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 10
Jakarta 10350, Indonesia

Sunday, December 1

"It ain't over 'til it's over"

Life starts at the end of 9th inning after 2 outs.

As per results from so many researches, the hours needed to success in their field , is ten thousand hours, they say. The ten-thousand-hour principle. Mozart, Beatles, Steve Jobs, and Kim YunA, too. Their success was not due to prodigious talent or good fortune but due to their tireless hardwork and suffering of ten thousand hours. Perhaps that applies to work, relationship, and love. To finish with achievement, instead of waiting for good fortune or talent, one should put in endless efforts and must go through hardship.

"It ain't over 'til it's over." -Yogi Berra, New York Yankees'


A friendly reminder from our Head of Study Program.

May us all can finish what we started on time. 
Students of International Relations Batch 2010 will be graduated on May 10th 2014.

Sunday, November 24


Love and life perhaps resemble baseball.

Even if you come up against a critical sweep, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, in the end someone has to be victorious for the competition to be over.

One-sided love,
Your heart aches and even if you wrap our mind around it, there's no other way for one-sided love, anyway. Whether you get the love or get dumped heartlessly.
If you want to end the one-sided love, the only way to do it is through confession. It's over only after you confront it.

Love perhaps resembles baseball.

And the world is big and there are a lot of rivals.

Love perhaps resembles baseball.

Of course, there are many one-sided love that couldn't be confessed in this world. Those fools, which know how to escape (from one-sided love) but cannot esape. That's why one-sided love hurts.

응답하라 1994


진심으로 나를 사랑 하나를 기다려

Saturday, November 23

슬픈 사랑 이야기

그 이야기는 내 이야기입니다.

그 이야기는 고등학교에서 시작했습니다. 학교에서 한친구를 있었습니다. 그 친구가 내가장 친한 친구입니다. 시간이 지남면 그 친구에게 너무 좋습니다. 그래서 고백했습니다. 근데요, 그친구가 나하테 그냥 친구 보인다.

3년 후에... 내 마음이 아직도 너무 좋습니다. 졸업하기 전에 난 고백했습니다. (도). 도, 친구가 나하테 그냥 친구 보인다. 아참! 나는 왜 이렇게 좋아 요? 무슨 생각있나요?

그레서 대학교에 갔습니다. 우리 만나를 할수가 없습니다. 어레동안 연락을 없습니다. 지금은 3년후에 facebook에서 그친구에 관계를 보인다. 갑자기 눈무를 났습니다. 아직도 그친구에게 좋습니다. 너무 불상한 사랑이야. 내 사랑.

A Thank You Post

Just got my transcripts of Semester 8 and 9 yesterday. So happy that I got an A of each. Hohohoho. Therefore, my GPA of both semesters are 4 out of 4. AAAAAAAAAAAAAKKK so grateful..

Thank you to all of them who gave me strength for the past 10 months :)
Special thanks to
1. Prof. Nila F. Moeloek as the Special Envoy on MDGs
2. Diah S. Saminarsih (Mama Geng, Tante Geng) as the Assistant of Special Envoy which also is my advisor
3. Whole Team Program which includes:
    a. Ufara Zuwasti Curran who supposed to be the interviewer at the very first time
    b. Nindi Sitepu (Simanjuntak) who filled all the evaluation form of internship
    c. Geng Krucil (Gatot Suarman, Annisa Firdausy, Abadi Anugrah) who helped me so much at the office
4. Mr. Hendra Manurung as my internship advisor
5. Bude Sus, Mba Yayan who let me stay at their house.
6. Buddies (Puti, Denisa, Cornelia, Denisa) who supported each other of being an intern




Gina Ginarti

Wednesday, November 20


Do the same things i did...
Tell the same things i did...
Listen to the same things i did...
Experience the same things i did...

Sunday, January 13

first week of being an intern

first week of internship can be concluded as successfully done! kekeke i'm really satisfied with my work environment since it is one of the most important thing in doing job or even internship. although it is unpaid internship, it's not that burdensome since they provide lunch and food. therefore, i only spend money for dinner. how fortunate :)

Sunday, January 6

COME BACK on blog!

happy greetings everyone!

finally, i made a come back in the early(?) of 2013. ofc, i'd like to say happy new year to each and every one of you. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013!!

first thing in mind while writing this post after the laaaaast posting is that, why am i not posting anymore? where have i been all this month? well, i have been nowhere, internet connection is not an excuse, i am always on sns... but why not blogger? too lazy too post, i think. there are so many things to do and to be done.

the last post is the picture of korean visa and then had a trip to korea, ofc enjoyed the sightseeing in korea forgetting the rest haha. coming back from Korea, i already skipped classes for weeks because the new term began while i was still in Korea. therefore, there were some catches to what i missed. and miserably, i had 3 classes with the same lecturers i hat* the most. there were loads of assignments! and since that was my last semester on having in-class lecturer, i started looking for the internship opportunities.

yep! looking for internship place is like a pain in asshole! with no experience, deadly deadline, i think i'm aging a lot. but then fortunately i got accepted in the office of President's Special Envoy on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). and i'll start TOMORROW, hell yeah!

furthermore, i moved out from dormitory in cikarang to jakarta. and i rent a room near my office so that i'll be walking from my room to the office. since my office is at jalan teuku umar, menteng and the only room available is at jalan cendana, it COSTS HELL LOT! the problem is that ... it is UNPAID INTERNSHIP! i got nothing in return i need to pay the non-ordinary price for a room to stay.

all in all, i'll be posting as much as i can since from now onwards, i'll be all alone for about 6 months long! therefore, please bare with me if i litter too much on my blog. thank you and see you in the next post!