Dear Isti and Cornel,
Herewith I send series of question for Final Test assignment. Please distribute it to your classmates.
Here are some conditions :
1. 1. This is personal test, NOT a group test, so every student MUST answer the question by themselves.
2. 2. Even though this is personal test, please choose a group representative to collect and send the answers
3. 3. Please submit your question within today at 4.00 PM at the latest.
4. 4. The result of final grade of Indonesia Economy System class will submitted to FBI administration office two weeks after test at the latest. I will inform later.
5. Should you have any questions, kindly contact my mobile, send SMS or email.
Thank you for your kind cooperation. I highly appreciated your effort.
Best regards
Final Test Question for Group 1.
Please write an appropriate answer for below questions:
1. Please explain what are the main factors that make corruption practice in Indonesia almost become “common” things especially in bureaucrat?
2. Please explain what is Bank Century case relation with the owner of tobacco company owner, Boedi Sampoerna?
3. Some conglomerates regularly become the donors for political parties, why it is necessary for them to involve not only in business field but also in political world?
4. There are many foreign automobile companies produce their vehicles in Indonesia. On the other hand, why Indonesia cannot produce her own brand such as Tata in India and Proton in Malaysia?
5. In fact, what has happened after ACFTA ? What the effect toward Indonesia economy development?
Final Test Question for Group 2.
Please write an appropriate answer for below questions:
1. Why there are conventional mortgages and subprime mortgages? What is the different?
2. According to Theodore M. Smith, one of the main reasons that make bureaucrats involve in corruption is lower wage. How about bureaucrat in Indonesian Finance Ministry, they are receiving additional wage but some of them still involve in corruption case (for example, Gayus Tambunan’s case) ?
3. Why government seems like has no power to avoid BUMN from political interest?
4. What is the benefit of existence of Mc Moran Cooper Company (Freeport) in Timika Papua for our government and local people?
5. Why China products’ prices are cheaper than local product?
Final Test Question for Group 3.
Please write an appropriate answer for below questions:
1. Why Century Banks bailout program become a hot and big issue?
2. What is different between corruption and collusion? What PT DGI (Constructor of Wisma Atlet Sea Games) did categorized as corruption or collusion ?
3. Why the US Subprime Mortgages crisis was impacted to Indonesian business progress?
4. Indonesia has abundant natural resources, why we need foreign investment to exploit it rather than local investment?
5. What is Indonesia government should do to make trade level between Indonesia and China in balance?
Final Test Question for Group 4.
Please write an appropriate answer for below questions:
1. Why the election of BUMN’s minister was becoming hot issue in the latest reshuffle of Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu?
2. Please explain about corruption case which had alleged former Indonesia Ambassador for Malaysian Kingdom, HE Rusdihardjo, and do you think he is deserve to be jailed as corruptor?
3. What was Indonesia government did to avoid big impact of the US Subprime Mortgage crisis toward Indonesia economy progress?
4. Please explain why Century Bank Bailout case up until now is still in grey area?
5. How local entrepreneurs should take action to compete in this free trade world?
Final Test Question for Group 5.
Please write an appropriate answer for below questions:
1. Why foreign investors are interesting to invest in Indonesia?
2. What is Korea government action to reduce corruption in their country?
3. What had happened to foreign investment in Indonesia as the impact of the US Subprime Mortgages crisis?
4. Please explain why some BUMN become “sapi perah” of political party?
5. In case of Century Bank Bailout case, what is responsibility of
1. Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono
2. M. Yusuf Kalla
3. Sri Mulyani Indrawati
4. Boediono
Final Test Question for Group 6.
Please write an appropriate answer for below questions:
1. What is the main goal of ACFTA? And what is the actual condition?
2. Why subprime mortgage impacted Indonesia economic development even it was occurred in the US?
3. Please explain why Century Bank’s customers, especially Antaboga Bonds holders, were worried even base on Indonesian Central Bank Regulation there is LPS will cover their savings?
4. In fact, many of entrepreneurs are interested to join as public officers or parliament members. What is their main purpose?
5. What is the advantage and disadvantage of fast progressing foreign retail business in Indonesia?