Tuesday, April 20

my life

all this time i was thinking that my life goes according to the plans. And of course that was all because of people surround me, my families mamake papake and agalih, they always support me in all ways. my superfriends, cintya, fadhilla, nur septiani, tri agung, qisthie, ellen, fionita, ridha, they always make me cheerful when im sad, they help me everytime i need, they will be there for me if there is something i wanna talk to and they will never tired to listen, i am very grateful that i have all of you in my life.

Of course im still far away to be such a succesful person that i want to make my families proud of me. But i will try hard, i will try my best to study in president university, as you know there is one obstacle in my mind study at president univ. that is language. i know it very well that my english still not good enoug till now, so i must ganbatte for my life in president univ.

Keep in mind that you will achieve your success if you really want to and if you work hard on it :)

thing i hate the most


Sunday, April 4

LOOKBOOK.nu: "I tried to do handstands for you" by Alex Evans

LOOKBOOK.nu: "I tried to do handstands for you" by Alex Evans: "Perry Ellis Sunglasses, Element Ashgrey Hoody, J. Linderberg Wide Neck T-shirt, Gucci Leather Messenger Bag from Holt Renfrew"

the history boys

.it was rainy sunday morning and i dont have anything to do at all although there woud be practical examination, i decided to watch the history boys. I had watched it once, but at that time i didnt like it and i didnt understand it at all. i watched it again that day and i began to like it. Well, it is about a group of students who are prepared to get scholarship in oxbridge (oxford and cambridge). I was amazed of how they studied. Its particularly different with our education in indonesia and its awesome.